By the end of this peregrination 12 books will be completed for a total of 1,800 pages.
Most of my drawings are fast doodles and sketches that mostly reflect what see, experiences, situations I go through, good and bad episodes, people I meet that stay or I leave behind, some spontaneous writing, etc. Everything that happens at that specific location is crucial.
All this mess is a collection of symbols charged with energy and cosmic radiation more than images themselves. Whenever we try to give them mass and weight or a superficial meaning we are missing the point of it. Use them as a tool, information, a portal to understand or awake our lost primitive instincts. Imagination might be a way of coming closer to the idea of reconnection with the universe that we once had. It will bring us a better understanding of what surrounds us.
Surviving Pangea is also an experiment of how to confuse, intimidate, influence, estimulate, provoke and interact with people.
Vilviestre de los Nabos
Triple Rainbow
NYC / Oakland